Key Questions Potential Digital Art Investors should be asking

Key Questions Potential Digital Art Investors should be asking
Photo by 冬城 on Unsplash

It was some time back when I had an interview with Anita Heriot of the Fine Art Group on questions Art Investors should be asking. What we discussed was formative in my thinking when it comes to investing in art, and I always felt that some of the mindset could very much be applied to collecting digital art.

The questions show how one can approach collecting digital art from an analytical standpoint with respect to finance, legal, and estate planning.

I have placed the questions from that interview below (you can also find a link to the interview at the bottom of the page):

1. Are they investable assets?
2. Is the investment bucket equally full with these investments?
3. Can the investment increase in value over 5 years?
4. Is there a legacy behind your decision?
5. Do you have a plan for the collection?
6. Is there a correlation between the cost basis vs. fair market value?
7. Is your plan rooted in concrete financial information?
8. Is your plan rooted in concrete financial information?
9. Do you know how to determine an artwork's value?

If you are looking to build a digital art collection, email us at for more information and guidance.

Questions Potential Art Investors Should Be Asking
Key art investment questions focus on asset value, ROI, legacy, and legality. An art collection should have a sound financial foundation.